Atlantic Giant Pumpkin

After months of wonder, worry, ups and downs of my giant pumpkin growing season I could take it no more. The weather even though it has not rained yet has been getting cold, the growth of the pumpkins have slowed to a point I’m not sure if its growing anymore and a large section with powdery mildew I decided to start removing and clearing the patch. Here are the final two pumpkin pulled from the patch.

 Not too bad for my drama filled patch.

Not sure about the shape!!

With them out of the patch, all that stress seems so long age. I have two baby giants to show at the local brownies and then it’s chopped and fed off to the cows. Seeds will be collected and the thoughts of next years patch are already floating around in my head.

I’m now sitting waiting by the mail box for my next seed delivery of giant onions and cabbage, this is my first try at these two but once bitten by the Giant Growing Bug its hard it stop!!!

Hope you will come back and see how l get on with my new gardening adventure!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Gardening:)


12 responses »

  1. jgeerlings says:

    Jealous of those pumpkins. I have failed with them several times in my current garden. They grew great in lighter soils where I used to live.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chantal says:

      Thanks so much for your reply. I’m pretty impressed with them considering how much of a struggle l had with the patch this season. I hope you are able to grow one again, they give me such a buzz in my garden. I have only been growing them for 3 years but l’m hooked. I have just recently come into contact one of the record holders over here in Australia, great bloke with lots of wonderful advice so l’m really looking forward to next seasons.
      Have a great day,
      Happy Gardening:)


  2. Giant onions? I wouldn’t want to be in the cow paddock when they polish off that crop! Have a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chantal says:

      Wont be feeding any giant onions to the cows, it actually makes their milk taste and smell well like onions. Not such a great flavour for consumers:) These are just for fun, the record for the largest onion is 8.23kg.
      The Uncle Bobs Club with their weekend sausage sizzle down at Bunnings might be interested. HAHAHA
      Have a great day.
      Happy and safe travelling:)


  3. mariemathilda says:

    Congratulations, Chantal! Your giant pumpkins look awesome… I look forward to seeing more next year;-) By the way, I did not know there are giant onions as well – there is always something I learn from your posts… Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chantal says:

      Hey Maria, Thanks you for you lovely comments. The giant pumpkin is one of the more popular giant to grow but since started growing l have discovered there are many things that can be grown giant!! Onions, cabbage, marrows, watermelon, leeks and many more. I’m not sure how my new addition will go with the onions but l am a bit excited to give something new a go. Record for the biggest onions is 8.23kg, it really is mind boggling!! Hopefully l will have some more posts to come on my GIANT growing onions adventures.
      Hope you have a great day:)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I like your giant pumpkins but felt like eating them. Are they only for cows?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chantal says:

      Hey Rebecca, They are not nice eating. But the cows love them:)
      I have other eating pumpkins, I have never liked pumpkin myself but cook it for my family. I have decided to try to make pumpkin bread this time as l have been told its really nice and maybe that will change my mind:)
      Have a wonderful day


  5. Gillian says:

    I’ve never grown pumpkins Chantal so your Pumpkin saga was very interesting for me to read! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chantal says:

      Thanks so much for your lovely message. I’m glad you enjoyed my pumpkins. I myself have never been much of a flower gardener so l love reading your wonderful on your beautiful garden. You have defiantly inspire my to add more colour. Thanks for sharing.
      Hope you have a wonderful day.

      Liked by 1 person

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